It features a visual overhaul on vfx, models, lighting, ui and animations. A new character (Athena), New mechanics (Landing Special) Improved camera functionality, Ai improvements, made replays not suck, and lots and lots of bug fixes. online is again left out but will be included in the first closed beta, which will be available before the end of November.
This patch was a bit delayed but a lot went into it. Here's an overview.
- Small fix to enable pausing in-game
Note: A more detailed update will come out to enable graphics options in-game as well as controls setup from the main menu.
Take a listen to the video for a full explaination of what there is to do in the demo, common issues and how to avoid them, and more news on the game. Patch notes will be posed as versions of the demo are updated. These will be listed on this page.